MAP#44: Battle of Agincourt 1415

The Hundred Years' War raged for over 100 years and divided England and France like never before. Today on the Medieval Archives Podcast we look at a battle during the last phase of the Hundred Years' War, The Battle of Agincourt. King Henry V of England, vastly outnumbered fought for his Kingdom and his life. Find out how he lead a weary band of men against insurmountable odds. Will Henry survive? Will he defeat the French? Find out in this episode of the Medieval Archives Podcast. Please send any comments, suggestions or topic ideas to If you are enjoying the podcast please considering leaving a rating on iTunes. Rate the Medieval Archives Podcast now! Listen to the episode now In this episode we discuss: Origins of the Hundred Years' War Henry V French Superiority Death of Chivalry Treaty of Troyes Hollow Crown And more... Agincourt Carol Lyrics Listen to it on YouTube Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria! [England, give thanks to God for victory!] Owre Kynge went forth to Normandy With grace and myght of chyvalry Ther God for hym wrought mervelusly; Wherefore Englonde may call and cry Chorus Deo gratias![Thanks to God] Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria! [England, give thanks to God for victory!] He sette sege, forsothe to say, To Harflu towne with ryal aray; That toune he wan and made afray That Fraunce shal rewe tyl domesday. Chorus Then went hym forth, owre king comely, In Agincourt feld he faught manly; Throw grace of God most marvelsuly, He had both feld and victory. Chorus Ther lordys, erles and barone Were slayne and taken and that full soon, Ans summe were broght into Lundone With joye and blisse and gret renone. Chorus Almighty God he keep owre kynge, His peple, and alle his well-wyllynge, And give them grace wythoute endyng; Then may we call and savely syng: Chorus Watch the Mock trial of Henry V: Get your free audio book from at: Download the MP3 and listen to it on your favorite MP3 player. Subscribe to the feed so you do not miss a single episode. iTunes | Stitcher Radio | Download MP3 | RSS Feed The music was provided by Tim Rayburn. It is available at
The Hundred Years' War raged for over 100 years and divided England and France like never before. Today on the Medieval Archives Podcast we look at a battle during the last phase of the Hundred Years' War, The Battle of Agincourt. King Henry V of England, vastly outnumbered fought for his Kingdom and his life. Find out how he lead a weary band of men against insurmountable odds. Will Henry survive? Will he defeat the French? Find out in this episode of the Medieval Archives Podcast. Please send any comments, suggestions or topic ideas to If you are enjoying the podcast please considering leaving a rating on iTunes. Rate the Medieval Archives Podcast now! Listen to the episode now In this episode we discuss: Origins of the Hundred Years' War Henry V French Superiority Death of Chivalry Treaty of Troyes Hollow Crown And more... Agincourt Carol Lyrics Listen to it on YouTube Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria! [England, give thanks to God for victory!] Owre Kynge went forth to Normandy With grace and myght of chyvalry Ther God for hym wrought mervelusly; Wherefore Englonde may call and cry Chorus Deo gratias![Thanks to God] Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria! [England, give thanks to God for victory!] He sette sege, forsothe to say, To Harflu towne with ryal aray; That toune he wan and made afray That Fraunce shal rewe tyl domesday. Chorus Then went hym forth, owre king comely, In Agincourt feld he faught manly; Throw grace of God most marvelsuly, He had both feld and victory. Chorus Ther lordys, erles and barone Were slayne and taken and that full soon, Ans summe were broght into Lundone With joye and blisse and gret renone. Chorus Almighty God he keep owre kynge, His peple, and alle his well-wyllynge, And give them grace wythoute endyng; Then may we call and savely syng: Chorus Watch the Mock trial of Henry V: Get your free audio book from at: Download the MP3 and listen to it on your favorite MP3 player. Subscribe to the feed so you do not miss a single episode. iTunes | Stitcher Radio | Download MP3 | RSS Feed The music was provided by Tim Rayburn. It is available at ★ Support this podcast ★

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MAP#44: Battle of Agincourt 1415
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